Mastah Tee Fitness & Dance is fun, intense and confidence building. The teaching style is personable, direct, clear and patient. The students we expect to attend classes are people who aren't afraid of hard work and have little fun at the same time.


Trina Lyons
Group Fitness
Owner, Trina Lyons with over 20 years of experience and background in dance to include Street, Hip Hop, Jazz, Modern, Ballet, Tap, & African. Being fit as a dancer was extremely important to prevent injuries. Number one strength? The Core! Pilates was spawned by the "Ballerina's" warm up. Mastah Tee Fitness main target is the Core. Strengthen the core first? Your whole body will follow suit. As a dancer you absolutely need to nourish your body right to have the stamina, agility & energy it needs. Here, Mastah Tee Fitness will teach you how to eat to live. Mastah Tee Fitness incorporates the dancers need for fitness & nutrition into Aqua Fit, Boot Camp, Full Body Conditioning, Weight training, Kick Boxing, Mat Pilates, Senior Fit, Basic Aerobics and Cardio Dance Aerobics. Mastah Tee Fitness will be your TOTAL FITNESS COACH for One on one training, Private or Corporate group training.